Marianne changed her Profile

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Just thought I’d have a Facebook moment and let followers know that I’ve changed my profile script.

Since WordPress doesn’t make the announcement, it seemed like a good idea for a new post, but I could be wrong.

Here’s the new “About me” on my profile pic;

“He ain’t heavy; he’s my brother.” These lyrics are some of my all time favorite. When I was growing up, I used song lyrics to describe how I felt about my life. In my early teens, this inclination died and was no more. Many years later, every now and then, it returns…and I smile. The Meaning for My Life (formerly Grandeurvision) is about: Love, Life and Presence. Miracle Mama is about miracle stories to inspire a life free from doubt, fear and limited thinking. I write from my heart when I feel inspired to share something. Welcome, friends of the world.

So what do you think?

Inspired by a comment on my friend, Ken Wert’s blog, Meant to be Happy, the profile update is meant to help bring out the authentic voice that lives inside.

Ken wrote a blog titled, 5 Signs Personal Development Blogs Are Hurting Your Personal Development.

One of the comments mentioned the importance of learning to listen to our authentic voice stating that our authentic voice knows what is best and always speaks the truth.

I whole-heartedly agree and found myself thinking that sometimes the lines are blurred.

For instance, scientists prove that environment conditions an organism. Since we are organisms, this applies to us as well. We are conditioned from birth. (But, don’t believe me. Check out the data for yourself.)

I see from my own personal experience; this is true. Even though, I prided myself of being independent, I see where I took on the beliefs of my environment.

These weren’t my beliefs from my own authentic voice. They belonged to someone else.

Over the years, the authentic voice peeped out on occasion, but I was quite good at silencing it.

So — who is the I that did the silencing?

Ah ha!

I caught you!

I see who you are now.

You are the conditioned self. The persona the world sees. The one who judges, analyzes, compares, calculates, criticizes and protects.

The authentic voice knows truth and doesn’t have to analyze, compare, calculate, criticize or make up beliefs.

It just knows.

Have you ever had a knowing about something, that wasn’t backed up by a data calculation of your mind, and turned out to be true?

I love when this happens!

This is how I want to live every day, every moment.

I want an intimate relationship with my own authentic voice.

What about you: do the lines blur for you too? Do you sometimes silence your authentic voice? 

12 thoughts on “Marianne changed her Profile

  1. Not any more. I no longer worry about what others think nor about having to “prove” what I know. We’re all in different stages of expression, and they’re all worthy of respect and encouragement. Good for you for changing your profile! That’s something I rarely think about and it feels daunting to put such a definition out in public…until one remembers that it can be changed. Thanks for that reminder!

    • Good for you for not worrying about what others think, Margarita. I may have to think about doing a learning about authenticity challenge to uncover what it really means in my life. Hmmmm…… Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

  2. This is one of the most meaningful posts I have ever read Marianne! In a world full of well meaning advice, if there is one thing a person would be well advised to do, it’s to listen to their own heart, your authentic self, your “hunch”, gut-feeling, whatever you like to call it, as it will not lead you wrong, ever.

    Events in my life still bring a song to mind, they always have. Funny how that can happen, isn’t it? I don’t mean for it to be, I simply seem to have a jukebox in my brain, with a mind all of its own. 🙂

    • Thanks Joanne. In pondering the topic, I find there are so many layers to it. I mentioned to Margarita, I may have to do a learning about authenticity challenge to flesh it out for myself.

      I remember the jukebox from years ago. Now, not so much. Sometimes I miss it. Thank you for reading and commenting, Joanne. 🙂

  3. This was so interesting, Marianne. Always attempting to express the authentic self, but the lines do get blurry. There are so many parts to ourselves and many are conditioned, but many have “spirit” and authenticity peeking out. But, like you, I want to live this every day, every moment. And have recently been thinking of ways to make that even more possible.

    • Yes, Kathy, yes. Will you be writing about “ways to make that even more possible”? Would be an interesting read. Thanks for reading and commenting, Kathy. 🙂

  4. I love the change to this site, Marianne, the new name and profile. “Love, life, presence” sounds like a mantra (I may use it as one). Congrats! (P.S. Very honored to be on your blogroll.)

  5. It’s taken me a while to figure it out. I’m such a late bloomer. Lol! Love to read your riveting articles about late bloomers. Your writing is phenomenal, Debra and I’m honored that you read and comment on my posts. Thank You! 🙂

  6. Oh yes, the lines are often blurred. I think I often silence my authentic voice, especially when it comes to my blog (sometimes for reasons that involve others). It does peek through every now and then. 🙂 I’m going to go check out Ken’s blog. Thank you, Marianne, for another though-provoking post.

    • Hi Robin, thank you for reading and commenting. Ken’s blog is great. Lots of thought-provoking articles and great information. He’s a teacher and a great writer. 🙂

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