The Future is Now

New year celebration!

New year celebration!

The thing I love about blogging on WordPress and posting updates on Facebook is that, whether I like it or not, my life is on record. That is, parts of my life are on record.

Having a record comes in very handy as we come to the end of another year. I can travel back in time to view snippets of life’s moments. For instance, I see that I began 2012 in the same way I’m ending 2012: focused on diet.

In January 2012, I learned that Dr. Terry Wahls healed from MS through diet.

In February, I learned that Joe Cross healed from a rare autoimmune disease and lost 100 lbs through a change in diet.

In March, I learned that Anita Moorjani healed from stage four Lymphoma, although, diet had nothing to do with it. That experience, was a very out-of-the-ordinary occurrence. I’d say; a miracle.

During the year, I noticed that health challenges were up and down for me, as was sticking to a healthy eating program.

Still, through it all, I have come to the conclusion that the foods I eat affect the level of RA symptoms I experience and in fact, they affect how I feel generally.

Yet, because of an event that occurred the year prior; I learned In The End, Only Love Matters.

And so, I have learned not to stress myself out over the little stuff, like diet, health challenges, financial challenges, silly drivers, etc.

I learned that I must make the best of each day no matter what seems to be going on in the moment because how I think, feel and react to what is going on in the moment is creating my future.

“The future is Now;” when I heard Ti Caine say these words, a light bulb went on.

To me, this statement means; if you’re not changing what you’re thinking, doing,  how you’re feeling or reacting in the moment, chances are, you’ll be doing exactly the same things a year from now and you’ll wonder why your life is the same.

Been there; done that. And, still doing it, to a point.

Even though, I learned about Love and I learned about Gratitude, it’s in the moment-to-moment practice where it really counts.

So — by this time next year, I want to say, I’m the proud owner of a “clean” body (clean being detoxified of allergens and toxic substances), I increased my income by $400 a month and I increased my level of peace, joy and gratitude.

I guess, another way of saying “the future is Now” is: We create our future each and every moment.

If I want health, abundance, peace, joy and gratitude in future, I have to make the choice Now —  in each and every moment.

And so, this blog post amounts to my way of pondering, picturing and planning the best year ever.

Wishing everyone many blessings and thank you very much for visiting, reading and commenting on the blog.

May we love lots, laugh lots and live lots. And may 2013 be your best year ever!

14 thoughts on “The Future is Now

  1. Marianne, it is wonderful to read your recap of the year and what you have learned. I love what you said about the power of NOW. It is something to be remembered and practiced from moment to moment. What a great reminder and inspiration for the new year. Happy 2013! May the new year bring deeper healing and greater fulfillment in all levels of your Being!

    • Thank you very much, Louisa! I figure if I can hold in thought this one truth, I’ll do alright. May 2013 be your best year ever! Thank you for visiting and commenting, Louisa! 🙂

    • And I, my friend, am honored to know and be inspired by you. Thank you for the words, Kathy. I feel blessed to have a wonderful internet family of amazing people doing amazing things. Love to you, Kathy! 🙂

    • So glad you found the post encouraging, Farouk. Thank you very much for reading and commenting. I plan to make 2013 the best ever. Wishing you the best ever new year as well! 🙂

  2. Yes! 🙂 Very inspiring post, Marianne. May your intentions for 2013 come to fruition.

    I can relate all too well with “been there, done that, still doing it to a point.” Let’s make this year different. 🙂

    • Yes, let’s make this year different, Robin. Glad this post inspired you. I’ll have to make sure I come back to read it often so that I keep myself on track. I put signs up in my apartment that read, “The future is Now, choose wisely.” Lol! 🙂

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