Learning about Love: Day 42

Sunbeam on the river

Today marks the forty-second day into my 100-day learning about love challenge and I wonder if I’ve learned anything about love so far.

I seemed to have had a preconceived notion that a 100-day love challenge would help me to feel loving and blissful 24/7. I think I failed miserably.

My mind seems to take me out more often these days. My mind wants to talk about how I’m not having much success with health, career and finances.

I hold onto the thoughts. I ruminate over them. I see the evidence staring back.

I declare, “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Only love matters.”

I am resisting. I am impatient.

“What you resist; persists.”

Go with the flow.

I forgot to embrace the crap.

Embrace impatience. Embrace resistance.

Find the sacred in the struggle. Love will appear.

Thank Good.  Go with the flow and breath.


Hello to new followers and Facebook friends. I appreciate your support very much.  Wishing all an embracing day.